Clariant Development Forum

How quickly can you change supply chains, HR planning production frequency to meet elastic demand?

October 4, 2024

Clariant Produkte (Deutschland) GmbH

Workshop Information



“Greater Chemistry – between people and planet.”

Why do we exist? This is the central question that every organization and every individual must ask themselves in the face of today's global challenges. This is especially true for a company in the chemical industry. We bear a special responsibility, and we have to ask ourselves what contribution we can make. Why is it good that we exist? And we are convinced that specialty chemistry can be at the forefront of sustainable change. This is what our purpose "Greater chemistry - between people and planet." is all about.


Leonie Parker
Vice President of Global Operations

One of the top questions across the social ecosystem in recent years is, "Can you measure the ROI of social media?" The answer is yes, you can. However, it takes some effort and a combination of the right tools, knowledge and methods.

Sarah Dupos
Digital Specialist

Glorious future or the end of mankind? Terminator or Knight Rider? It is amazing how often the discussion about the opportunities and risks of artificial intelligence ends up with simplified stereotypes and how often the Hollywood movie Terminator is cited in this context.

Edward Cisneros
CEO und Co-Founder

Edward's keynotes are about the future of customer relationships and the future of marketing. Edward is an expert on the impact of new technologies (AI, 5G and more) on the customer experience.

Brad Shing
Brand Writer und Content Lead

Brad is Creative Lead at Bing, where he has helped shape the voice of the brand - from the rebranding to the newer mission-driven, community-led content.



Clariant Produkte (Deutschland) GmbH

Arabellastraße 4a, München
81925 München